Friday, May 10, 2013

I have been....

Engaged for about two years now....this week however marks the end of this engagement!
Do I feel that the past two years has been a waste of  my time, No....everything happens for a reason, be it good or bad!

There is noting shameful about ending an matter how long it has gone on for, if two people are not right for each other then there is no point in going through with it....if you are already having problems and problems keep coming then you really need to step back and ask why, Is Allah trying to tell me something? is this the right man for me? am I the right woman for him?....this is something that I have thought long and hard about and in the end ,me and my parents just knew it was not meant to be.
I asked Allah taala to show me a sign and subhanallah he did.....each time I asked this something would happen or come in our way!

marriage is hard enough as it is I'm why would I go through with it when it so clearly was not working, it would only have made both me and him unhappy and would have created more hurt had we just gone along with it not better to admit we are not right for each other and move on find our own ways?

I think that sometimes you have to get something wrong in order to get it right....was I too fast to say yes?
I know for sure I didn't ask the things I should have!

But thinking positively I can take from this and make the next time better...I know better now then I did then, and inshallah next time it will work better too.

Everything is the Qadar of Allah and what is meant to be will be.....Allah knows what is best for us.
Now is the time to move on and get on with life....this I am greatly looking forward to!
This engagement was making me greatly unhappy and it was making look negatively at everything....on life on Hijrah on it all.
It's strange how one thing can make you look and think badly about so many other things!...but alhamdulillah life is already starting to look brighter.

I feel so much lighter now that all this is over, I feel like I can move on....take some time out to just think things feel good to not have to worry about it anymore!

1 comment:

  1. Alhamdulilah...everything is written and for a reason...I sense that you have found peace in your decision...alhamdulilah xxxx
