Sunday, February 3, 2013

This here will be...

my new blogging home, I have no idea but for some reason my other blog is no longer giving me any joy.
I'm finding it hard to write on it and to be honest I'm finding it.....well a bit boring!

It just turned into a blog about me trying to do things, yet somehow not getting anything just turned into a whole lot of empty word, do you see why I no longer loved my old blog.

I have always thought that a blog should be like a home for your thoughts...and mine was just feeling like an empty house...not really mine but somebody else's!

I would love this place to feel like it was really I could put every thought in to it and feel happy about it too, I want to be able to look back at this blog and feel like I've actually done something....I want it to be more colourful and bright then the other one, more pictures and projects!

I love the thought of being able to let people see in to my life...and being able to stay in touch with people who are so far away from me now....

I want this year and all the year to come inshallah to be more productive then the first god knows how many years of my life!...I want to learn new things and be good at them!

I hope that I will always love this blog and see it as something I can always come to when I have a thought to share....big or small!

This blog will be bigger and better and I will love it and make it mine....

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