Monday, February 4, 2013

pretty and warm....

I don't think there is any better way to spend a cold a rainy afternoon then with a good crafting project....and there is nothing like a nice hot cup of tea to keep your hands warm in a house that seems to always be cold!

last week I started a new crochet was going to be a cardigan for my younger sister.....however the pattern went a little wrong...and it just didn't look like it was going to fit any kind of a human being.
So after spending two afternoons crocheting up the whole of the back, i decided to take it all apart and look for something else to make.....which is a shame because I think it would have made a really nice warm and cosy cardigan for the winter!
But after I had a look around online for something else to do...I actually started to feel a little happy that the other project didn't go so well...because I found the perfect shawl!
And lets face it who doesn't need a nice lacy shawl for the winter?......who needs real warmth when you can have something pretty and pink?
I haven't gotten that much of it done however it does seem to be working up really fast, and so far it's been really easy to make.....I shall have to stay up tonight and get some more of it done before I go to sleep!
It does give me great joy to look at and I can't wait to finish it!

till tomorrow xxxx


  1. Mash'Allah...I so wish I could follow a's all double dutch to me and I find following a tutorial online so much easier...

  2. you can actually find some very easy patterns to follow online....I find diagrams work best for me because I can actually see what i need to do!
    ravelry is very good for patterns by the way...and you can pick how hard or easy you would like the project to be...

    thank you for commenting xxxx
