Wednesday, February 13, 2013

oil pulling

Last year ended with me coming and going to the dentist....I have not got the healthiest teeth in the world i know!
when we were living in the UK I used to go about my teeth every six months or so, so my teeth while I was living there wasn't so bad, however almost four years after coming here I have only just had my first visit to an Algerian dentist....and lets just put it this gums are not as healthy as they should be!

I have to tell the truth here I did have a lot of bad dreams and thoughts about seeing an Algerian dentist at all let alone for the first time!.....I have never had this problem in the UK by the way!

I have had thoughts of having my teeth being pulled out ...of the dentists drilling a hole right through my jaw! of bleeding out and dying and then.....I went and....I have to say as you might already know by now non of these things came true.....apart from the bleeding bit...but then it wasn't as much as i thought it would you can see i didn't die......I have to say I almost died on the spot when mum said she was going to take me...even though I asked her to!

I also at this point have to say that it is the very first time I have ever had to go anywhere related to health and had to sit in a garden chair.....but then this is Africa we are talking about!

So I am going to try out oil pulling...I have to say the thought of having to pull oil through my teeth before I have even had anything to eat make me feel a little agh about it...the thought of leaving it in my mouth for 20 minutes makes me feel YUCK but...for the sake of a healthy mouth I WILL do it!

these are just some of the things oil pulling is promising me....

  • decrease in headaches
  • improves eczema
  • helps with ulcers and diseases of stomach, intestines, heart, blood, kidney, liver, lungs
  • reduce or slow growth of malignant tumors
  • better sleep
  • whiter, straighter teeth
  • healthy, pink gums
  • increased energy
  • clear sinuses
  • less severe asthma
  • decreased allergies
  • improved PMS symptoms
  • regulated menstrual cycles
  • clear skin
I'm not sure I really believe that pulling oil through my teeth is going to help my skin or my sleep or anything else other then my gums...but I might be wrong!
I shall start in the morning and will do it for a whole month...and we will see if it works or not!


  1. sorry but what exactly is oil pulling?...I have no idea what you are talking it hijama?

  2. oil pulling is when you put a spoon of oil in your mouth and pull it in and out of your a do it in the morning before you have eaten you keep the oil in your mouth for 20 minutes.

    today was day one for me...shall keep doing this for a month to see if it helps!

  3. oh ...never heard of it before...what kind of oil do you use? subhanallah...I'm really curious now to hear how you get on...
