Tuesday, April 23, 2013

our local Masjid....

I'm still enjoying my walks to and from the school....there is nothing better then some nice fresh air to make a person feel better after a weekend of feeling ill!

This is our local Masjid.....I have to say it's one of the best things about living in a Muslim country the fact that you have so many Masjids dotted about everywhere, I think we must hear about five different Adhans from our house alone ....some sound better then others though! But how beautiful is it to be able to hear all that from the comfort of your own home mashallah!

I have to admit that I do not use the masjid as often as I should, I mean it's one of the things we always complain about back in London ..how there is not enough space for women...and here I am in a land of muslims perfectly able to use a masjid yet I just don't...at most I might pray salat al eid.....I have gone a handful of times for tarawih during ramadhan but that's it, even then I only went because I was asked to.

I think my problem is that I don't like being around so many people....so this ramadhan I shall make more of an effort to go inshallah.....and it would be nice to go for jumuah inshallah!

If you have a nice masjid and you can use it why not.....after all is that not what Hijrah is all about...making more effort in your deen....I can say hand on heart that I have probably make less effort since moving here and that's sad but it's never to late to change right?

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